Singer Showroom has fabric and wallpaper books, as well as more than 35,000 fabric samples for you to pick from and take home. You also may check out our furniture and accessories on approval. Not to mention trim samples, finish samples, etc. There's plenty! Consider us your design resource library.
All items for loan must be checked in and out of system by Singer staff when they leave or come back.
Sample loan periods vary; just ask!
Hanging samples, memos, and books may be checked out for two weeks from date of loan
Furniture and accessories may be checked out for 3 days on approval
Please communicate your needs! Should you require loan extensions, permanent samples, or other special permissions, we try to accommodate our clientele whenever possible!
Loaning items means a fluctuating stock to loan to other designers. Please return what you check out so everyone can view our stock. Neglecting return periods without prior authorization or communication near loan expiration may impact your future ability to check out items from Singer Showroom, and you may be charged for the cost of replacing that item.
Q: How do I check samples out?
When you come in to the showroom, check in by signing your name in at the front desk or just say hi, and grab a mini clipboard and pencil. The mini clipboards each have a "cheat sheet." Our "cheat sheets" describe each brand's sampling procedure, as well as a space to write down any necessary numbers/names for fabrics. We also have signs along the fabric racks that describe exactly what information we need from you in order to pull samples for you, or notices that say just to pull the fabric on the hanger off the rack. We'll also be there to help you if you have any questions!
When it comes to loose fabric samples, there are two types of samples; hanging samples ("mains") and what we call "memos," which are folded pieces of fabric often in a smaller size than hanging samples. When you walk through our showroom you'll see rows and rows of hanging samples, but no "memos;" that's because we keep our memos tightly consolidated in a back room that we keep meticulously organized. Depending on the brand, you can either check out the main or we'll pull a memo for you to check out.
When you're done looking around, bring your cheat sheet and any books, trim samples, finish chips, etc. with you to the front desk and we'll log your items for checkout into your system.
Q: Why can't all samples be placed on the racks for designers to pull on their own?
Keeping a full stock of samples is very expensive. Some of our vendors require us to control sampling by maintaining a separate sample library. Others want to make sure that a full representation of their entire line is available at all times. It would certainly be easier and less time consuming for us to maintain one sample area, but we must comply with our vendor agreements. We are more than happy to help you find the samples you need. After 20 years, we know the sample room like the back of our hand!
Q: What if you don't have something I need?
The staff at Singer Showroom is happy to order a sample for you! Just let us know. Most samples take anywhere from two days to a week to arrive at your door, and we'll let you know if your sample is back-ordered or not in stock.
Singer Showroom at Longworth Hall 700 W. Pete Rose Way Cincinnati, OH 45203